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Concours mangas Yatp_b10

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Concours mangas Yatp_b10

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 Concours mangas

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3 participants
Clamp Forever
Clamp Forever

~ Messages ~ : 261
~ Age ~ : 39
~ Localisation ~ : 95

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Chobits, CCSakura, Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare, Naruto, Monster, 20th century boy, Aria,...

Anime(s) préférée(s) : CCSakura, Ailes Grises, Cowboy Bebop, Creamy Merveilleuse Creamy, Emi Magique, Lain, Monster, Ôban Star Racers, Texhnolyze.

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MessageSujet: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Nov - 16:27


On va créer un concours opposant des mangas shojos, shonen, seinen en plusieurs manches.
Nous vous proposons de nous donner 16 titres par catégorie de mangas que vous aimer bien dans les catégories shojos, shonen, seinen. Ces mangas doivent être licencier pour que tous le monde connaissent!

Une fois qu'on aura mis en place cette liste on opposeras les mangas des différentes catégorie puis on fera affronter chaque gagnants (quart de final, demie final, final).

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~ Messages ~ : 75
~ Age ~ : 37
~ Localisation ~ : Sarthe [72]

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Reborn, Parasite, L'infirmerie après les cours

Anime(s) préférée(s) : Angel Sanctuary

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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Nov - 17:04

voici mes suggestions :D

Shojo : L'infirmerie après les cours, Life, Angel Sanctuary, Comte Cain, Ludwig Revolution, Royal Doll Orchestra, Vitamine, Vampire Knight, Yamato nadeshiko, Black Rose Alice, Diamond Head, X-day.

Shonen : One Piece, Jojo's Bizarre adventure, Reborn, Muhyo et Rojie, Bleach, D.Gray-Man, Claymore, Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya, Le prince des ténèbres, Shi ki, Hokuto no Ken, Fullmetal Alchemist

Seinen : MPD PSycho, Kurosagi service de livraison de cadavres, Liar Game, wolf guy, Berserk, Say hello to Black Jack, Rozen Maiden, Tomié, Spirale, Ju-on, Ring, Parasite
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Clamp Forever
Clamp Forever

~ Messages ~ : 261
~ Age ~ : 39
~ Localisation ~ : 95

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Chobits, CCSakura, Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare, Naruto, Monster, 20th century boy, Aria,...

Anime(s) préférée(s) : CCSakura, Ailes Grises, Cowboy Bebop, Creamy Merveilleuse Creamy, Emi Magique, Lain, Monster, Ôban Star Racers, Texhnolyze.

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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Nov - 17:46

Shojo : L'infirmerie après les cours, X-day, Aishite Knight - Lucile Amour et Rock'n Roll, Card Captor Sakura, Chocola et Vanilla, Full Moon, Kare First Love, Last Quarter, Le préféré de la prof, lui ou rien, Tôkyô Babylon, Trèfle, Wish, Spécial A, Fruits Basket et Five.

Shonen : Naruto, Aria, Mär, Doubt, Hanako et autres Légendes Urbaines, I'll Crazy Kôzu Basketball Club, Kamichu!, L'Escadrille des Nuages, Le monde de Misaki, Letter Bee, Mirai Nikki, Nui!, Psycho Busters, Toto The Wonderful Adventure, Tsubasa, Reservoir Chronicle.

Seinen : Monster, 20 th centuary boy, 7 milliards d'aiguilles, Chobits, Duds Hunt, Gunnm, Gusmith cat's, Happy!, Jusqu'à ce que la Mort nous Sépare, Manhole, Otaku Girls, Plutot, Red Garden, reset, XXXHolic, Yutsuba,
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~ Messages ~ : 823
~ Age ~ : 35
~ Localisation ~ : Limoux et Pau

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Black Butler, Otaku Girls, Letter Bee, Negima

Anime(s) préférée(s) : Reborn, Pandora Hearts, Monochrome Factor, 07 Ghost

~ Feuille de personnage ~

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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeMar 16 Nov - 21:02

Voici ma liste:

Shojo : Alice 19th, Fushigi Yûgi, Gals!, Ultra Maniac, Card Captor Sakura, Nana, The Day of Revolution, Courage Nako !, 07 Ghost

Shonen : Letter Bee, Black Butler, D.Gray-Man, Death Note, Devil Devil, Le Prince des Ténèbres, My Hime, Negima !, Pandora Hearts, Fairy Tail, Reborn!

Seinen : Monster, Chobits, Otaku Girls, XXXHolic, Liar Game, 3x3 Eyes, Spirale
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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeDim 21 Nov - 21:16

ah mon tour !

Shonen: Pandora Hearts, Crimson-Shell, Kuroshitsuji, Tegami Bachi ( letter Bee ), D.Gray-Man, Secret Garden,

Seinen : Bokurano, Higurashi, Elfen lied, Chobits, Rozen Maiden, The Ring, Ju-on

Shojo; X-1999( que je considère pas comme mais bon...) Tokyo Babylon, Card Captor Sakura, Ultra Maniac, Vampire Knight,

Pour les shojo, j'en lis trop peu... XD
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~ Messages ~ : 823
~ Age ~ : 35
~ Localisation ~ : Limoux et Pau

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Black Butler, Otaku Girls, Letter Bee, Negima

Anime(s) préférée(s) : Reborn, Pandora Hearts, Monochrome Factor, 07 Ghost

~ Feuille de personnage ~

Concours mangas Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 22:13

Merci à tous.

D'autres mangas à soutenir ou tous vos mangas ont déjà été cités au dessus?
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~ Messages ~ : 823
~ Age ~ : 35
~ Localisation ~ : Limoux et Pau

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Black Butler, Otaku Girls, Letter Bee, Negima

Anime(s) préférée(s) : Reborn, Pandora Hearts, Monochrome Factor, 07 Ghost

~ Feuille de personnage ~

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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeVen 23 Sep - 5:10

Stage au Pays de Galles

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~ Messages ~ : 823
~ Age ~ : 35
~ Localisation ~ : Limoux et Pau

Manga(s) préféré(s) : Black Butler, Otaku Girls, Letter Bee, Negima

Anime(s) préférée(s) : Reborn, Pandora Hearts, Monochrome Factor, 07 Ghost

~ Feuille de personnage ~

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MessageSujet: Re: Concours mangas   Concours mangas Icon_minitimeMer 5 Oct - 9:00

The interior of the country is mainly devoted to fodder crops, bovine breeding in the north and ovine in the central valleys. Southern specializes in cultural activities associated with livestock.

Wales has turned away from its heavy industry and mining that have profoundly shaped his past to adopt the technology industries of the future.
Light industries are a key sector of the economy, as the supply of auto parts. The aluminum industry and refining, with the largest refinery in Milford Haven, is also developing in the coastal region of the south.
Communications industries, and related services, are now the largest employer in the South. The leading companies are making optoelectronic circuit board to etchings and semiconductor components for fiber optics. They enjoy great prosperity and employ 30% of the UK workforce in this sector. The aerospace companies and biotechnology are also experiencing significant growth.
Wales is a pioneer in the television industry with S4C Digital one of the digital cable networks among the largest and most modern outside London.
Nearly 60 million tons of goods pass through nine ports in the country, between 10 and 12% of total UK. Milford Haven is one of the largest British oil ports (almost 36 million tonnes in recent years).
Cardiff International Airport sees moves 500 tons of cargo per year. The number of passengers has doubled in ten Ansett has exceeded 1.25 million in 1998.
Since the late 1980s, traffic has increased by at least 30% and is expected to increase by another 15 to 20% by 2011. More than 60 million tons of goods are transported by road in Wales and the same tonnage is transported between it and the rest of Britain. 1 million tonnes is exported overseas.
The cities of Newport, Swansea, and Cardiff experience rapid expansion. The renaissance of the Black Country was combined with the migration of industry to the coast. In force from sliding towards the estuary, the activities of those Welsh will join Bristol on the right bank of the Severn. A large bridge spanning the Severn Sea marks the economic unity of the estuary, ignoring the Welsh Celtic sense of identity, which is more active than ever.

The 21st century brought a big change in work culture with the birth of e-commerce. This is transacting business electronically through information systems for an instant transaction.
Number of companies specializing in technology has chosen to locate in Wales. The most isolated regions of the country could not realize their full potential, today the chance to play an increasingly important role in the economy of their nation in the world.

Tourism (7% of GDP Welsh)
Recreation and tourism are key sectors of the economy. This sector now employs 70,000 people and accounts for about 3 billion Euros a year for the Welsh economy.
There are of huge areas of protection of wildlife and flora. The natural beauty of the landscape, the resorts attract a lot of hikers, climbers, swimmers and surfers.

Today the mines Slate Museum Llanberis form a very popular and help maintain the traditions and know-how covering two centuries of extraction. Big Pit, a now-closed mine, became the National Mining Museum of Wales and attracts many tourists.
Finally, the conflicts of the middle Ages with England also left an important legacy for tourism. The country has one of the highest densities of castles in the world.
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